
Company Environmental Policy

Timber is one of man’s oldest allies, providing warmth and shelter since the earliest days. As a naturally renewable resource it is the most environmentally friendly raw material available. We are proud to be involved in the “timber trade”, but are not complacent about the impact of the Company’s operations, nor our environmental obligations. Only by striving to minimise any environmental impact will we ensure a future that benefits the Company, Customers, Stakeholders and the Public. Our Environmental Mission Statement shows that we take these issues seriously:

Environmental Mission Statement

Triesse is fully committed to fulfilling its environmental obligations both as a manufacturer and supplier of environmentally responsible products. As a company Triesse is fully licensed to carry out its activities under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. Triesse carries full Chain of Custody Certification with the FSC® for many of the products it supplies and submits itself to independent scrutiny through its efforts to maintain Environmental Chain of Custody Certification, by the global leader in inspection and certification services Societe Generale de Surveillance (“SGS”), to ensure that products supplied where appropriate can be independently verified as coming from “well- managed” forests.


 The Company is registered with Valpak to fulfil its recovery and recycling obligations under the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007 (as amended). We will work with suppliers to:

  • Eliminate unnecessary packaging
  • Reduce packaging where possible
  • Promote the use of re-cycled material


Our primary principles are as follows:

  • Reduce and Re-use
  • Recycle, which is the foremost method of wood waste disposal, using only licensed reputable companies

Consistent with our principles rather than send waste to landfill the bulk of the wood waste produced through our operations are processed on site through a Biomass Boiler registered with Ofgem to produce energy which is used to heat our factory premises.


In addition to being fully Licensed under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 Triesse is also a registered broker/carrier of controlled waste. We accept our responsibility to protect the quality of land, air and water and strive to prevent accidental spillage of hazardous materials or the release of processing waste in to the environment.

EU Timber Regulations No 995/2010

Triesse guarantees that all wood products imported from outside the EU will be subjected to a robust due diligence process and risk assessment to verify legality and as such compliance with the European Union Timber Regulations No 995/2010. As a member of the Timber Development UK (TDUK) we are also governed by its Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP) and as such submit annual reports which are subjected to their due diligence procedures.